Emoji reactions

Emoji reactions let you quickly respond to a message. For example, 👍 is commonly used to express agreement or confirm that you've read the message. Any emoji can be used as a reaction, including custom emoji. Reactions appear at the bottom of the message.
Add a new reaction
• Desktop/Web

• Mobile
Hover over a message to reveal three icons on the right.
Click the smiley face () icon.
For messages that you've sent, click on the ellipsis () and then Add emoji reaction.
Select an emoji. Type to search, use the arrow keys, or click on an emoji with your mouse.
To add multiple reactions without closing the emoji picker, hold the Shift key while selecting emoji.
You can react to the selected message with by using the + shortcut.
Add or remove an existing reaction
• Desktop/Web

• Mobile
Click on an existing emoji reaction to add or remove your reaction.
To make it easy to see which reactions you have added, they are highlighted in a different color.
You can also toggle the first emoji reaction on the selected message by using the = shortcut.
Viewing who reacted to a message
For messages where few users have reacted, the names of users who have reacted are displayed directly on the message if the option to do so is enabled.
View who reacted to a message
• Desktop/Web

• Mobile
Hover over an emoji reaction to see who reacted with that emoji.
Toggle whether names of reacting users are displayed
Click on the gear () icon in the upper right corner of the web or desktop app.
Select Personal settings.
On the left, click Preferences.
Under Emoji, toggle Display names of reacting users when few users have reacted to a message.
Related articles
• Add custom emoji
• Emoji in messages

Updated on: 30/10/2023

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