Message formatting

OneHash Connect uses Markdown to allow you to easily format your messages. Even if you've never heard of Markdown, you are probably familiar with basic Markdown formatting, such as using * at the start of a line in a bulleted list, or around text to indicate emphasis.
This page provides an overview of all the formatting available in OneHash Connect. There is a convenient message formatting reference in the OneHash Connect app that you can use whenever you need a reminder of the formatting syntax below.
• Text emphasis
• Bulleted lists
• Numbered lists
• Links
• Code blocks
• LaTeX
• Quotes
• Spoilers
• Emoji and emoticons
• Mention a user or group
• /me action messages
• Global times
• Tables
• Collaborative to-do lists
• Paragraph and section formatting
Text emphasis
In OneHash Connect, you can make text bold or italic, or cross it out with strikethrough.
What you type
bold, italic, and strikethrough text
*~~All three at once~~*
What it looks like

You can also use buttons or keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + B or Ctrl + I) to make text bold or italic. Learn more.
Bulleted lists
You can create bulleted lists using *, -, or + at the start of each line. Add two spaces before the bullet to create a nested list.
What you type
bulleted lists
with sub-bullets too
sub-bullets start with 2 spaces
start sub-sub-bullets with 4 spaces
- dashes and
+ pluses are ok too
What it looks like

Numbered lists
You can create numbered lists by putting a number followed by a . at the start of each line. Lists are numbered automatically, so you can reorder list items while editing your message without having to update the numbers. Add two spaces before the number to create a nested list.
What you type
numbered lists
increment automatically
use nested lists if you like
delete or reorder lines without fixing the numbering
one more
lists can start at any number
so you can continue a list after some other text
What it looks like

In OneHash Connect, you can insert a named link using Markdown formatting. In addition, OneHash Connect automatically creates links for you when you enter:
• An appropriately formatted stream name, or a stream name followed by a topic (see also Link to a message or conversation)
• Text that matches a custom linkifier set up by your organization
What you type
Named link: OneHash Connect homepage
A URL (links automatically): OneHash
Stream link: #**stream name**
Stream and topic link: #**stream name>topic name**
Custom linkifier: For example, #2468 can automatically link to an issue in your tracker.
What it looks like

You can also use a button or a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + L) to insert a link. Learn more.
Code blocks
You can write snippets of code, code blocks, and other text in a fixed-width font using standard Markdown formatting. OneHash Connect also has syntax highlighting and supports configuring custom code playgrounds.
What you type
Inline code span: let x = 5

Code block:
def f(x):
return x+1

Syntax highlighting:
def fib(n):
# TODO: base case
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
You can also use ~~~ to start code blocks, or just indent the code 4 or more spaces.
What it looks like

A widget in the top right corner of code blocks allows you to easily copy code to your clipboard.
OneHash Connect supports math typesetting powered by KaTeX. Their support table is a helpful resource for checking what's supported or how to express something.
What you type
Inline: $$O(n^2)$$

``` math
\int_a^b f(t)\, dt = F(b) - F(a)
What it looks like

You can format quotes one line at a time, or create a block of text that will be formatted as a quote.
What you type
a multi-line
quote on two lines

normal text

A multi-paragraph

quote in two paragraphs
What it looks like

There is a handy option to quote and reply to a message in OneHash Connect.
OneHash Connect lets you temporarily hide content in a collapsible spoiler section, with only the header initially shown. Clicking on the header reveals the hidden content.
What you type
```spoiler The spoiler heading might summarize what's inside
This content is initially hidden.

You can combine spoilers with other formatting.


A message can contain both spoilers and other content.

Leave the heading blank if you like.
What it looks like
Collapsed spoilers:

Expanded spoilers:

Emoji and emoticons
There are several ways to use an emoji in your message:
• Enter an emoji name surrounded by :, with help from autocomplete suggestions.
• Select an emoji from the emoji picker
• Use an emoticon
• Paste an emoji
You can add custom emoji for your organization. Like default emoji, custom emoji can be entered into the compose box by name, or selected from the emoji picker.
What you type
:octopus: :heart: :OneHash Connect:
What it looks like

Mention a user or group
You can mention a team member or user group to call their attention to a message. Mentions follow the same notification settings as direct messages and alert words. A silent mention allows you to refer to a user without triggering a notification. A wildcard mention allows you to mention everyone on a stream.
What you type
Users: @**Bo Lin** or @**Ariella Drake|26** (two *)
User group: @*support team* (one *)
Silent mention: @_**Bo Lin** or @_**Ariella Drake|26** (@_ instead of @)
Wildcard mentions: @**all**, @**everyone**, or @**stream** (two *)
A | followed by a user ID is inserted automatically when you select a user from the typeahead suggestions, if there are two users with the same name in the organization.
What it looks like

/me action messages
You can send messages that display your profile picture and name as the beginning of the message content by beginning a message with /me. You can use this feature in conversations when you want to describe actions you've taken or things that are happening around you using a third-person voice.
For example, if you are Ada Starr:
What you type
/me is away
What it looks like

Global times
When collaborating with people in different time zones, you often need to express a specific time clearly. In OneHash Connect, rather than typing out your time zone and having everyone translate the time in their heads, you can insert a time, and it will be displayed to each user in their own time zone (just like timestamps on OneHash Connect messages).
What you type
A date picker will appear once you type <time.
Our next meeting is scheduled for <time:2020-05-28T13:30:00+05:30>
You can also use other formats such as UNIX timestamps or human readable dates, for example, <time:May 28 2020, 1:30 PM IST>.
What it looks like
A person in San Francisco will see:
Our next meeting is scheduled for Thu, May 28 2020, 1:00 AM.
While someone in India will see:
Our next meeting is scheduled for Thu, May 28 2020, 1:30 PM.
OneHash Connect supports Markdown formatting for tables.
What you type
yes | no | maybe
A | left-aligned | centered | right-aligned
B | extra spaces | are | ok
C | bold italic strikethrough :smile: ||
The initial pipes (|) are optional if every entry in the first column is non-empty. The header separators (---) must be at least three dashes long.
What it looks like

Collaborative to-do lists
OneHash Connect supports creating shared to-do lists where any user who can access the message can add tasks by entering the task's title and description, and clicking Add task. Once created, task titles and descriptions cannot be edited.
What you type
Any other content in a message starting with /todo will be ignored.
What it looks like
After two tasks have been added to the shared to-do list:

Tasks can be marked (and unmarked) as completed by clicking the checkboxes on the left.
Paragraph and section formatting
OneHash Connect supports Markdown formatting for paragraphs and visual section breaks, which you can use to control the layout of your text and to visually separate different sections of content.
What you type
One blank space for a new paragraph
New line, same paragraph

New paragraph

---, *, or _ for a horizontal line
Over the line

Under the line
What it looks like

Message formatting reference
A summary of the formatting syntax above is available in the OneHash Connect app.
Click on the gear () icon in the upper right corner of the web or desktop app.
Select Message formatting.
You can also open the compose box, and click the question mark () icon at the bottom of the compose box.
Related articles
• Create a poll
• Mention a user or group
• Preview messages before sending
• Resize the compose box
• Messaging tips & tricks

Updated on: 30/10/2023

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