Starting a new direct message

• Desktop/Web

• Mobile
Click the New direct message button at the bottom of the app, or use the X keyboard shortcut.
Start typing the name of the person you want to message, and select their name from the list of suggestions. You can continue adding as many message recipients as you like.
Click on the compose box, or press Tab to compose your message. You can preview your message before sending.
Click Send, or use a keyboard shortcut to send your message.
You can switch from composing a stream message to composing a direct message by selecting Direct message from the dropdown in the upper left of the compose box.
Rather than kicking off a group direct message, consider starting the conversation in a new topic to make it easier to browse later on.
Related articles
• Getting started with OneHash Connect
• Starting a new topic
• Replying to messages
• Messaging tips & tricks

Updated on: 30/10/2023

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