What are Workflow Actions?
Workflow Actions
Workflow Actions is a single place to manage all the pending actions you can take on Workflows.
Workflow Actions will send email notifications only if the 'Send Email Alert' checkbox is ticked in the Workflow that you've created.
To access Workflow Actions, go to:
Home > Settings > Workflow Actions
If a User is eligible to take action on some workflows, emails will be sent to the user with the relevant document as attachment. From there the user can Approve or Reject the Workflow.

Also the users will see entries in their Workflow Action list:

You can set email template for Workflow Actions on each state. The template might consist of a message for users to proceed with the next Workflow Actions.
Workflow Actions will not be created for a transition to optional states.
Related Topics
How to create a workflow?
What is the Assignment Rule?
Updated on: 02/04/2023
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