Asset Management
Manage all your Fixed Asset data and transactions with OneHash (Asset Management Software). Synchronize your data with QuickBooks and other popular applications.Some readersAsset Capitalization Dont Do it as it is not present as doctype in OneHash.
Asset Capitalization The Asset Capitalization feature lets you do the following: Convert one or more stock items into a new asset Convert one or more stock items into a new asset and capitalize the service expenses’ cost Convert one or more assets into a new asset Convert one or more assets into a new stock item To access the Asset Capitalization feature, go to: Let’s go through the aforementioned use cases one by one.Few readersAsset Value Adjustment
Asset Value Adjustment feature in OneHash inventory management software allows you to record the change in asset value due to some reason such as a change in location, depreciation etc.Few readersAsset Category
Asset Category enables setting default a depreciation method, periodicity and depreciation related accounts, which will apply to all the assets under this category.Few readersCreating an Asset Maintenance Team
The Asset maintenance Team is in charge of performing maintenance on the Asset.Few readersAsset Location
In OneHash inventory management software you can create a 'Location' for each of your facilities and track the assets which are present in these locations.Few readersHow to create Asset Maintenance?
With the help of OneHash's inventory management software features, you can keep track of the specifics of each maintenance or calibration job for a given asset.Few readersScrapping an Asset
You can scrap an asset anytime using the "Scrap Asset" button in the Asset record. You will be asked for confirmation, click on Yes and the asset will be scrapped.Few readersSelling an Asset
To sell an asset, open the asset record and clicking on the Sell Asset button. This will take you to a [Sales Invoice]Few readersHow to create an Asset Movement?
By using OneHash's CRM software, you will be able to keep records of when assets were issued or move and also be able to track the location of the assets that are important for your home or business.Some readersAsset Depreciation
Depreciation is an accounting method of allocating the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life. OneHash accounting management software uses different methods to calculate depreciation costs.Few readersPurchasing an Asset
Enter the Asset Location in the Items table of the Purchase Receipt or Purchase Invoice through which you are receiving the item. On submission of a Purchase ReceiptFew readers