Loan Security Pledge
Loan Security Pledge
Introduced in Version 13
Loan Security Pledge contains the loan security and the quantity pledged against a Loan.

To access the Loan Security Pledge list, go to:
Home > Loan Management > Loan > Loan Security Pledge

1. Prerequisites
Before creating and using a Loan Security, it is advised that you create the following first:
Loan Security Type
Loan Security
Loan Application
2. How to Create a Loan Security Pledge
Go to Loan Security Pledge List, click on New.
Select Applicant Type.
Select the Applicant.
Select Company.
Enter the Loan Securities and their quantities to be delivered in the Securities table. The Loan Security Price will be fetched from the Item master Valuation Rate and the amount will be auto calculated.
Click "Save" to save the draft of the Loan Security Pledge.
Click "Submit" to submit the Loan Security Pledge.
Once the Loan Security Pledge is Submitted it is ready to be Pledged Against a Loan.
2.1. Other ways to create a Loan Security Pledge
You can also create a Loan Security Pledge from an approved Loan Application via the Create button on the top right

Or you can also create a Loan Security Pledge from the Loan Security Shortfall in case of a loan security to value shortfall by clicking on the Add Loan Security button on the top right.

Updated on: 27/03/2023
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