Non Profit : Volunteers and Donors
The Volunteer doctype allows you to record the Volunteer details.
Volunteers are simply contacts in your OneHash database with one or more volunteering program. The contact may be an individual, a household, an organisation, or some other contact sub-type .
To create new Volunteer go to:
Non Profit > Volunteer > New

Email: Email field is the id of Member doctype.
Volunteer Type: Volunteer Type is link field to Volunteer Type Doctype. Volunteer can select available Doctype.
Address and Contact Section: This Section linked to address and contact doctypes.
Volunteer Availability Section: This section is child table which contains select field about volunteer availability. a volunteer can select availability such as weekly, morning etc.
Volunteer Skills Section: This section is child table which contains data field about the volunteer skills. a volunteer can add multiple skill for eg. Desk Job, Hospitality, Food management, computer operator etc.
Volunteer Type
Volunteer Types are a basic building block for Volunteering management. Typically an organization will set up a volunteer type for each of the different donation that they offer. For example, an organisation may define three volunteer types for 'regular', 'Student', and 'Member' donor.
In this chapter we will cover the most common set-up for volunteer types.
To create new volunteer Type go to:
Non Profit > Volunteer Type > New

Volunteer Type: The Volunteer Type is displayed throughout the system, on both public and backend pages so spend some time thinking about a membership type name that is appropriate to both audiences. It can be changed at a later date.
Amount: If your Volunteering are free you should enter 0 (zero) in this field. Otherwise you should enter the amount that must be paid to the volunteer.
A donor in general is a person, organization or government who donates something voluntarily. The term is usually used to represent a form of pure altruism but sometimes used when the payment for a service is recognized by all parties as representing less than the value of the donation and that the motivation is altruistic. In business law, a donor is someone who is giving the gift (law), and a donee the person receiving the gift.
The Donor doctype allows you to record the Donor details.
Donor are simply contacts in your OneHash database with one or more Donation. The contact may be an individual, a household, an organization, or some other contact sub-type, but it is always a contact to which a donation is applied.
To create new Donor go to:
Non Profit > Donor > New

Email: Email field is the id of Member doctype.
Donor Type: Donor Type is link field to Donor Type Doctype. Member can select Available Doctype.
Address and Contact Section: This Section linked to address and contact doctypes.
Accounting Section: This section allowed to set member accounting details such as Account Receivable.
Donor Type
The Donor Type doctype allows you to Create different Donor Profile for the Donor.
Donor Types are a basic building block for Donor and contribution management. Typically an organization will set up a donor type for each of the different donation that they offer. For example, an organisation may define three donation types for 'regular', 'Organization', and 'honorary' donor.
In this chapter we will cover the most common set-up for donor types.
To create new donor Type go to:
Non Profit > Donor Type > New

Donor Type: The Donor Type is displayed throughout the system, on both public and backend pages so spend some time thinking about a donor type name that is appropriate to both audiences. It can be changed at a later date.
Updated on: 22/03/2023
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