Articles on: OneHash CRM | WhatsApp Integration

WhatsApp Notification

WhatsApp Notification

To send WhatsApp messages from Notification, you must first have a subscription of Wati CRM. And all the credentials set in Wati Settings. For reference, you can look at “Wati WhatsApp Integration” docs.

Go to Notification list, and Create New Notification in which select channel as “WhatsApp”.

Now in WhatsApp Template field, select the template you want to use to send message through the Notification.

Now select the doctype against which you want to send the Notification.

Now select the recipients in Recipients section, either by document field or role depending on condition. Please note that only the Phone fields will be selectable in recipient by document field.

Now an empty WhatsApp Parameter table will appear in which you have to fill the values by clicking on “Map Fields” button.

On clicking “Map Fields” button, a popup will appear, in which you will a display of the template message, and you can select the values of the parameters, which can be attachment of any doc field.

On clicking “Map” button in the popup, the WhatsApp Parameter table will be field with the values and you can then save the Notification.

That’s it, the contact will receive the WhatsApp message according to the trigger provided in Notification.

Updated on: 22/03/2023

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