Immutable Ledger
Immutable Ledger
A major change has been introduced in OneHash from version 13 onwards. This changes the way Accounting Ledger (General Ledger) and Stock Ledger works in OneHash. There are multiple reasons why ledgers should be immutable. To list a few:
Re-posting future entries is computationally expensive. To post a backdated transaction, all future entries need to be re-posted.
In Stock Ledger, where the valuations are based on First-in-first-out (FIFO) method, the entire sequence may get regenerated which may upset valuations and profit for subsequent transactions.
Taxes paid for a period may also get changed.
Following are the impacts on day to day transactions
Reverse Entries on cancellation of transactions:

On cancellation of any transaction instead of deleting the GL Entries for that transactions reverse entries will pre-passed to cancel the effect of that transaction on the date of cancellation.

Since GL Entries linked to a transaction will never be deleted this also means that cancelled transactions and their linked documents can no longer be deleted.
Restriction on posting backdated stock entries:
Since the ledgers are immutable now this means future transactions cannot be updated or re-posted. So users will no longer be able to post backdated stock transactions.

For Eg: Suppose a Stock Transaction has been made for Item A with posting time as 19-06-2020 23:00:10 then after this transaction you cannot post a transaction for Item A with posting time before this timestamp.
Updated on: 27/03/2023
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