Zapier Integration in OneHash
Integrate OneHash to Zapier interface to automate all possible workflow
Connect OneHash via, let you connect OneHash to 2,000+ other web services. Automated connections called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding, can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn't be possible.
Each Zap has one app as the Trigger, where your information comes from and which causes one or more Actions in other apps, where your data gets sent automatically.
Steps to integrate with Zapier
Sign in to Zapier or create a new account. Go to , from there you can jump right in. To help you hit the ground running, here are some popular pre-made Zaps.
Navigate to "My Apps" from the top menu bar.
Now click on "Connect a new account..." and search for "OneHash"
Use your credentials to connect your OneHash account to Zapier.
For credentials go to https//:[mysite], there select the user, go to api access tab to get api key and api secret
Once that's done you can start creating an automation! Use a pre-made Zap or create your own with the Zap Editor. Creating a Zap requires no coding knowledge and you'll be walked step-by-step through the setup.
Need inspiration? See everything that's possible with OneHash and Zapier. Go to
If you have any additional questions, you can reach out to
Popular use cases:
1. CRM to Sheets
Choose App from the App list.

Select Event and continue

Sign in to OneHash Account using API key , API secret and your Site Name

Set up Trigger and choose a record you want to transfer

Test Trigger and continue to create action
In App list select Google Sheets and choose event

Choose Account and head to set up action.
Choose the drive,spreadsheet and worksheet where you want to transfer your data.

Map the fields as per your data in CRM to the Column of Sheet

Continue to Test Action and Publish the Zap

2. Sheets to CRM
Choose Sheets in App list and select the event

Choose your account, following spreadsheet and worksheet and continue to test trigger.
Head to action choose the event

If Chosen Create Record, select the record you want to create and map the fields accordingly

Test the action and publish the zap.
Updated on: 22/03/2023
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