Lead Creation
A lead is a potential customer who might be interested in your products or services. To get the customer through the door, you can integrate a lead management software like OneHash.Some readersCreating an Opportunity
If a lead shows interest in a product or service you offer, you can convert them into an opportunity through our sales management software.Some readersCustomer Creation
The recipient of goods, services, products, or ideas from a seller in exchange for payment is commonly referred to as a customer, client, buyer, or purchaser.Some readersCreating a Contact in OneHash CRM
A contact may be associated with a Lead, Customer, Supplier, Shareholder, Sales Partner or a User in sales management software.Some readersCreating an Address in OneHash CRM
In OneHash sales management software , you can store the addresses of leads, customers, suppliers, shareholders and warehouses.Few readersHow to create an Appointment?
An appointment is a prearranged meeting between a Lead and an Employee of your Company through a lead management software - OneHashSome readersCRM Reports
With the reports feature of the CRM system, OneHash users can obtain valuable information about prospects, including their history with the company.Few readersHow to create a Lead Source?
A Lead Source is a source from which the leads are generated. You can track the source of your leads by integrating a lead management software.Some readersHow to Create an Opportunity Type?
Opportunity Type indicates the broad category of opportunity like Sales, Support, Maintenance, Partnership etc.Few readersCreating a Sales Stage
The sales cycle is often divided into various stages to track the progress of an opportunity, with higher-value deals typically requiring more stages to be completed before reaching a conclusion.Few readersHow to create a Sales Person?
OneHash sales management software organizes salespersons in a hierarchical manner. They are individuals responsible for selling your products or services.Few readersCreating a Customer Group
In OneHash crm software, customer groups are structured hierarchically and used to categorize customers based on the market segment relevant to the business domain they operate in.Some readersEmail Group
You can manage subscribers by grouping them into different groups through marketing automation software.Some readersAppointment Booking Settings
Some of the best crm software like OneHash you can find all settings related to booking appointments in Appointment Booking Settings.Few readersCreating a Campaign
A Campaign is a full-scale implementation of a sales strategy that can be done through marketing automation software like OneHash to promote a product or service.Some readersEmail Campaign
A set of scheduled emails sent to leads or contacts is called an Email Campaign that can be done via lead management software like OneHash.Some readersNewsletter
In the context of a CRM system, its is an informational and product-focused email that is sent to existing and potential customers with an intention of softly pushing the subscriber to do required actions.Few readersLinkedIn Settings
To share and manage posts, OneHash marketing automation software requires access to the API using OAuth 2.0 Authentication Protocol.Few readersTwitter Settings
A marketing automation software like OneHash requires access to the API using OAuth 2.0 Authentication Protocol to share and manage posts.Few readersSocial Media Post
Social Media Post is used to create and schedule the post for LinkedIn and Twitter that can be done effectively a marketing automation software like OneHash.Few readersCRM Analytics
This report feature is available in OneHash lead management software that will help you to the business potential of opportunities based on the Lead Sources.Few readersContract Management
A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between a supplier and a customer for the exchange of goods, services, money, or promises, approved by the law.Few readers