How to create Email channel in OneHash Chat?
Create Channel
Step 1. Click on "Add Inbox" button from Settings > Inboxes page.

Step 2. Click on "Email" icon.

Step 3. Click on Microsoft Account or Other Providers(If it is not Microsoft Account) and then Enter the channel name (how you’d like to address this channel), your support email and click on Create Email Channel button.

Step 4. "Add agents" to your email inbox.

Step 5. Hooray! You have successfully created a Email inbox. You will be able to manage emails in the OneHash Chat Inbox.

Step 6. Go to Settings > Inboxes > Email Inbox settings.

Step 7. Select "Configuration" tab.

Step 8. You can configure OneHash Chat email inbox in 2 ways.
Forward to Email
Configure IMAP
Updated on: 16/10/2023
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