What Is The Differences between Total And Valuation In Tax And Charges?
Consider Tax or Charge field in Purchase Taxes and Charges master has three values. * Total * Valuation * Total and Valuation.PopularFichier Des Ecritures Comptables
For OneHash accounting management software users this file can be generated using a report available if you system's country is France.Some readersLocal Overrides
To adhere to the most recent financial law governing POS software, OneHash accounting management software automatically records all sales and payment transactions in a linked log.Some readersUpdate Capital Accounts
Before importing capital accounts, make sure that you have created the required ledgers under **Chart of Accounts > Liabilities > Capital Accounts** group.Few readersUpdate Current Assets
in OneHash crm software, before importing current assets, make sure that you have created the required ledgers under **Chart of Accounts > Assets > Current Assets** group.Few readersUpdate Current Liabilities
Before importing current liabilities, make sure that you have created the required ledgers under **Chart of Accounts > Liabilities > Current Liabilities** group.Few readersUpdate Fixed Assets
To import all the existing fixed assets first create the asset record and then create a Journal Entry to update the General Ledger.Few readersUpdate Accounts Receivables
Accounts Receivables is the balance amount your Customer owes you towards the Sales Invoices as per the records in an accounting management software.Few readersUpdate Accounts Payables
In OneHash accounting management software, you can import Accounts Payables details through the Opening Invoice Creation Tool.Few readersE-commerce Search
Each Product Listing page in OneHash marketing automation software features a Search bar that enables users to swiftly look up Website Items or Item Groups.Few readersOpening Invoice Creation Tool
OneHash accounting management software has an Opening Invoice Creation Tool for importing outstanding Purchase or Sales Invoices data.Few readersLoan Management
A loan record functions as a comprehensive loan account that includes details about the applicant, repayment schedule, and repayment information.Few readersWhat are accounting entries?
Accounting entries are records of financial transactions that document changes to a company's accounts in OneHash accounting management software.Few readersWhat is Plaid Integration?
OneHash accounting management software, offers the possibility to synchronize your bank accounts through a service called [Plaid](https://plaid.com/).Some readersAccounts Settings
There are various account settings in OneHash accounting management software to restrict and configure actions in the Accounting module.Some readersLoan Security Type
To secure a loan, the applicant must pledge some form of collateral, which can be defined in the Loan Security Type master.Few readersDatev Settings
**DATEV Settings** are required for each **Company** to be able to use the DATEV Export. It contains the following fields:Some readersChart of Accounts
A tree view of a company's required accounts (ledgers and groups) is known as a Chart of Accounts, which can be customized in OneHash accounting management software to meet legal and individual needs.Some readersLoan Security
When a customer applies for a secured loan, they are required to pledge some form of security as collateral for the loan, known as loan security.Few readersDatev Export
In OneHash accounting management software the DATEV format is a CSV-based file interface for importing data into DATEV Accounting.Some readersOpening Balance in Accounts
In OneHash crm software, the commencement of an accounting period or when commencing a business, the balance carried over from the end of the prior accounting period is referred to as the opening balance.Few readersLoan Type
A Loan Type is where you can define various loan types and their properties like rate of interest, loan account details, etc.Few readersFinance Book
A Finance Book is a book against which all the accounting entries are booked. You can have multiple finance books. For example, one book for tax authoritiesFew readersLoan Application
In an accounting management software to initiate the loan process, the first step for a customer or employee is to provide a Loan Application, containing their personal and loan security details.Few readersDimensional Accounting
Dimensional accounting involves assigning dimensions such as Branch or Business Unit to transactions, allowing for separate maintenance of each segment.Some readersLoan Security Pledge
Go to Loan Security Pledge List, click on New. · Select Applicant Type. · Select the Applicant. · Select Company. · Enter the Loan Securities and their quantitiesFew readersBank
By saving multiple banks in OneHash project management software, an excel sheet can be uploaded and transactions can be mapped to the ledger.Few readersLoan Disbursement
After loan approval, the sanctioned amount is available for disbursement and a loan disbursement entry is generated to facilitate the process.Few readersBank Account
In OneHash accounting management software, it is possible to generate Bank Accounts not only for a Company but also for other entities such as Customers, Suppliers, and more.Few readersLoan Interest Accrual
Loan Interest will be accrued monthly on first day of every month for demand loans and one day before payment day for term loans.Few readersHow to create a Journal Entry?
Learn how to create a Journal Entry in simple steps with OneHash accounting software. Make your bookkeeping easier today.Some readersLoan Repayment
To access the Loan Disbursement list, go to: Home > Loan Management > Disbursement and Repayment > Loan Repayment.Few readersJournal Entry Template
A Journal Entry Template lets you set and select a predetermined list of accounts and options while making a Journal Entry.Few readersProcess Loan Interest Accrual
The Process Loan Interest record is generated during each loan interest accrual cycle and is utilized for both manual and automatic loan interest accrual processing.Few readersWhat is that you need to know about Payment entries?
In an accounting management software, a Payment Entry is a record indicating that payment has been made for an invoice.Some readersLoan Security Shortfall
Whenever the loan to security value ratio decreases below a certain threshold, a Loan Security Shortfall is generated automatically for that particular loan.Few readersDunning
In a sales management software dunning is a document that can be saved and sent as a repeated request for payment of outstanding debt against an unpaid Sales Invoice.Few readersCreating a Payment Request
To request payment for a sales order or invoice, businesses use a payment request that is sent through email and includes a link to a payment gateway, if available.Few readersMode of Payment
In the sales and purchase transactions, there are various options to settle the payment in OneHash accounting management software.Some readersHow to create a Payment Term?
Payment Terms allow for the establishment of a payment schedule. In OneHash accounting management software, Payment Terms Template can be utilized to apply the actual payment schedule easily.Few readersHow to create an advance payment entry?
To create an advance payment entry in OneHash accounting management software, a Payment Entry can be utilized.Few readersEverything you should know about creating a Sales Invoice
Master the art of creating Sales Invoices with OneHash accounting software. Create professional invoices and streamline your billing process.PopularPurchase Invoice
A Purchase Invoice is a bill you receive from your Suppliers against which you need to make the payment.PopularInter Company Invoices
Inter-company journal invoices can be created between organizations of the same group in addition to individual purchase or sales invoices for a single company.Few readersWhat is a Credit Note and how is it created in the CRM?
In OneHash sales management software a Credit Note is a communication sent from a seller to a Customer, acknowledging the return of goods by the buyer.Some readersWhat is a Debit Note and how is it created?
A Debit Note is a document sent by the buyer to the Supplier to indicate that a debit has been made for the returned goods.Few readersCredit Limit
Credit Limit is the maximum amount of credit you are willing to offer to a Customer.Few readersItem Tax Template
Go to the Item Tax Template list in OneHash crm software dashboard and click on New. Enter a title for the Item Tax Template. Select an account and set the overriding rate.Some readersTax Withholding Category
Tax Deducted at Source (TDS), requires the payer to deduct tax at prescribed rates from payments made, depositing it with the government in advance.Few readersTax Rule
You can define which Tax Template must be applied on a Sales / Purchase transaction using Tax Rule in OneHash sales management software.Few readersTax Category
To apply specific Tax Rules to transactions based on different criteria, Tax Categories can be established by navigating to Home > Accounting > Taxes > Tax Category.Some readersCreating a Pricing Rule
The pricing of an Item can be controlled through various options available in the Pricing Rule.Some readersExchange Rate Revaluation
OneHash accounting management software enables you to record accounting transactions in various currencies.Few readersCurrency Exchange
In OneHash accounting management software, users can manually store exchange rates in the Currency Exchange form, while the platform also automatically fetches current market rates.Few readersHow to create a POS (Point of Sale) Profile?
The Point of Sale (POS) feature in OneHash crm software is accessible through a POS profile. With various advanced features, the POS software integrates inventory management, CRM to cater to diverse functionality requirements.Some readersCreating a POS (Point of Sale) Invoice
In OneHash sales management software, the Point of Sale (POS) refers to the specific moment and location where a transaction occurs.Some readersPOS Cashier Closing
At the end of the day, the cashier can close his/her PoS by creating a POS Closing Voucher. Click on the Menu and select 'Close the POS' in OneHash accounting management software.Few readersWhat is a BRS or Bank Reconciliation Statement?
When reconciling bank account statements, the dates of payments made or received via cheque may not match due to the time it takes for the bank to process and clear them.Few readersPayment Reconciliation: Matching Payments with Invoices
Payment reconciliation is the process of matching payments received with invoices issued in your accounting management software.Few readersPeriod Closing Voucher
A Period Closing Voucher indicates that the profit/loss for an accounting period has been balanced and the books can start fresh.Few readersPayment Order
OneHash's Payment Order is used to record bulk payments to suppliers, and can retrieve multiple Payment Requests made to a supplier.Few readersProcess Statement Of Accounts
The Process Statement of Accounts is a tool that enables you to efficiently send a General Ledger Report and Accounts Receivable Summary (Ageing) as a PDF to customers via email.Few readersMajor Accounting Reports
Some of the major accounting reports in OneHash accounting management software accounting management software are: 1. Company and Accounts. General Ledger.Few readersHow to set up multi currency accounting?
OneHash accounting management software supports Multi Currency Accounting, allowing you to transact in different currencies and record accounting entries accurately.Some readersHow to use Deferred Revenue?
When a Company receives payment in advance for products or services in an accounting management software to be provided at a later time, it is referred to as deferred revenue or unearned revenue.Few readersHow to use Deferred Expense?
Deferred revenue refers to advance payments a Company receives for products or services that are to be delivered or performed in the future.Few readersLoyalty Program
By using a top crm software like OneHash you can allow customers to accumulate points through a Loyalty Program, which can then be utilized towards future purchases as a form of redemption.Some readersBudgeting
With OneHash accounting management software, budgets can be established and monitored for a Cost Center or a Project.Few readersHow to Post an Invoice Discounting Transaction?
Using a company's outstanding sales invoices as security, a bank or finance company can issue a short-term loan in a practice known as invoice discounting.Few readersSetting a Subscription
OneHash accounting management software offers a Subscription feature to help you track services that require renewal at regular intervals such as yearly, monthly, quarterly, etc.Few readersHow to create a Subscription Plan?
A Subscription Plan stores information about the Item being subscribed, its price, and billing interval.Few readersWho is a Shareholder and How to create a Shareholder?
Learn about Shareholders and how to create them in OneHash accounting management software. Ensure accurate tracking of ownership and shareholder information.Some readersCreating a Share Transfer
The act of transferring Company shares from one party to another, whether through sale or gift, is known as a Share Transfer.Few readersCommon Receivable Account
As per the party model, a common receivable account called Debtor is auto-created. This is a default Receivable Account for all the Customers.Few readersRound Off Account Validation
In the Purchase Invoice, Grand Total is calculated based on various calculations like: Qty multiplied by Rate = AmountFew readersManaging Transactions in Multiple Currency
OneHash accounting management software allows transactions to be created in either the base currency or the currency of the involved party.Few readersImmutable Ledger
OneHash accounting management software has undergone a significant update that alters the functionality of the Accounting Ledger (General Ledger) and Stock Ledger.Few readers